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Team Lead - 2020-2021 Spaceport America Cup


As the Team Lead for the 2020-2021 SpacePort America Cup competition, I led 15 students in our first year competing. We built two scale test rockets, capable of carrying a 5 lb payload to over 6000', launching four times despite the pandemic. Following this, we designed, documented, and presented in the virtual competition, placing 3rd in category.


The competition rocket which is equipped with air brakes to fine-tune the final apogee of the rocket to maximize our score in the competition (see Airbrakes for more) 


The vehicle is also capable of deploying a 4 kilogram (~9 lbs) payload at apogee. The functional payload utilizes an ram-air parafoil to guide itself to a pre-defined recovery zone. Stay tuned for upgrades and full systems testing in 2021-2022!

2019 Competition Year

As our second year participating in the competition, we hit it off strong with the design of an improved rocket. However, due to shutdowns and cancellations of the competition due to COVID-19, we did not complete construction of the rocket.

2018 Competition Year

As a Freshman on the team, this was my first introduction to High Power Rocketry. This was also the first year Case Rocket Team was attempting to compete in the competition. Practice Run was our first Level 3 Rocket. I worked heavily with the design and construction of the rocket, spending many hours learning about composites and doing fiberglass layup on the fins of the rocket.


Despite a good first attempt, this rocket was not launched at competition due to timeline restrictions.

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